Some things you may not have known about Italy.. and MORE!
#1. Duomo=Church. There are about a million of them (on per major city)--all dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
#2. Women ride mopeds and motorcycles here... IN HEELS.
#3. Dogs are allowed with their owners pretty much anywhere including and not limited to Public transportation, food and grocery stores, clothing stores and gelaterias
#4. Most of the male dogs are NOT fixed..
#5. The people who sell things in Italy to the tourists are persistent. About 6 will line up the same merchandise approximately 10 feet apart from each other and EACH one will ask if you want whatever they are selling. This gets old quick. They don't like when you yell at them. (Not that I know or anything..hehe)
#6. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let the men with the bracelets tie one on your wrist.. THEY ARENT FREE and once it's tied you either pay or run..
#7. The pigeons in Italy are HUGE and are not scared to fly a hairs length above your head.. also, watch out for the bird poop.
#8. For Europe in general, you have to try a Kebap.
#9. Italians have slang terms and phrases for things too. One example that is freaking hilarious is like when we say something is in the middle of nowhere or in the boonies. In Italian their phrase directly translates as "in the ass of wolves".
I am sure I will think of more and they will be added accordingly. Expect a new post tomorrow about Turin (where they filmed the Italian Job) and maybe one about the Milan, Duomo. I'm still not ready to talk about them.
Now, off to the blender bar. Should be good.
#2. Women ride mopeds and motorcycles here... IN HEELS.
#3. Dogs are allowed with their owners pretty much anywhere including and not limited to Public transportation, food and grocery stores, clothing stores and gelaterias
#4. Most of the male dogs are NOT fixed..
#5. The people who sell things in Italy to the tourists are persistent. About 6 will line up the same merchandise approximately 10 feet apart from each other and EACH one will ask if you want whatever they are selling. This gets old quick. They don't like when you yell at them. (Not that I know or anything..hehe)
#6. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT let the men with the bracelets tie one on your wrist.. THEY ARENT FREE and once it's tied you either pay or run..
#7. The pigeons in Italy are HUGE and are not scared to fly a hairs length above your head.. also, watch out for the bird poop.
#8. For Europe in general, you have to try a Kebap.
#9. Italians have slang terms and phrases for things too. One example that is freaking hilarious is like when we say something is in the middle of nowhere or in the boonies. In Italian their phrase directly translates as "in the ass of wolves".
I am sure I will think of more and they will be added accordingly. Expect a new post tomorrow about Turin (where they filmed the Italian Job) and maybe one about the Milan, Duomo. I'm still not ready to talk about them.
Now, off to the blender bar. Should be good.
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